Lars Helgeson of GreenRope

The email marketing origins of GreenRope, the transition to an all-in-one platform for managing long-term relationships, sharing multiple methods of customer communication around an organization, the high cost of integrating disparate systems, the many components of a customer relationship, creating a more collaborative company culture, turning clients into advocates, getting your emails to stand out in recipients’ inboxes with timeliness and relevance, email as one part of an omnichannel strategy, the benefits of modeling the sales process, the reason for GreenRope’s contact-based vs. user-based pricing model, what types of companies use GreenRope, the need for at least one person to own CRM within an organization, the weak CRM component of many “all-in-one” solutions, GreenRope’s approach to vertical markets through private-label resellers, GreenRope’s pure organic growth, the value of having operations-side applications such as events and LMS built into the platform, integrated predictive analytics, how to get a no-pressure, consultative demo of GreenRope.